Sovereign / Sovi

 Part 1:

It has been a fun year with a lot of ups and downs and I have matured quite a lot and starting seeing stuff differently than my previous self.
I will write my journey now for those who would wanna know about me in the future,
I am Sovi, I joined abyss (different now deadish chat room) on April 19-20. I used to be quite different from my current self if I would say. I think I was a mixture of Zero and Fanatic back then lmao. There wasn't a day that I wasn't hella rude. Well making straight up jokes got me banned after apologizing I was unbanned. Ig I had the most change when I was unbanned. I literally changed to be a kinder and softer version. Well Abyss started to get dead after I had a fight with the anime girl in bikini sender popsy and I didn't have a good reputation in it anymore. So it wasn't really fun to be online then I thankfully met jujina who made it pretty fun for me otherwise I would have left disqus then and there. Months passed.. In the months that passed I got my first official ship, made many many new people as friends, saw different chats pop up, got banned in derinow cause the popsy was a mod there.
Gotta say there is no one who has been on my mind as much as popsy till date. Lmao my heart used to beat faster whenever I saw him/her online. I had so many plans but it was to no avail as he/she was self destructive in nature. Saw some friends betray me meanwhile most of them stayed. I remember one of them was even cool with banning me and other was showing ss to popsy to show how cringe I was lmaoo. Well those people don't hold any meaning in my heart anymore. After abyss got real dead, I started visiting places. One of them being terra panacea managed by dear popsy, I got my second ship there in other words I only made one friend there ig they ain't anymore tho, then I was online on discord for a good month then head off to bato(girls closet), the horrifying place where I went for training my mind to get used to gay things as I was called homophobic lmao. Made some friends there which are still to this date. But I got bored of that too. Oh yea the amount of times I said I was going on Break between August and October omg lol. I actually never had thought of a break before until I saw my friend eleven(11) leave in August about a week before their birthday. It used to be mind numbing dumb people asking to be banned for a break back then now it's a norm lmao.

Part 2: 

After bato
I was tired of that too like I didn't like have fun mingling with girls talking about some korean man or kpop dancer have clean and clear skin...and talk about boys love..
Just not for me and funny thing for a webtoon site chat room. It was quite good, it had already strong bonds. I was gonna leave fr for the second time but then Atlantis came
I am thankful to Saty, Yoshi and Dark for making it as it is fr. Dark with the help of Minsung literally brought the whole bato in Atlantis lmao. Well bato is not Atlantis as it is managed by straight dudes(?). So most of them couldn't last long although they did for about a month iggg??? But Yea most of them are in discord now maybe still on bato I don't check it anymore.
This was 6 months ago and a lot has happened since then lmao like literally a lot. We now have 11 main chats which is quite amazing. Literally never seen before speed and now I have got quite the good reputation heh. I am spoken about whenever I come online nowadays. I have turned from homphobic to homosexual in people's eyes ☠️. I gotta say I am quite the fuckboi like dragon says I feel bad for what I did to him.. The journey has been amazingly crazy gotta say. So ty Popsy, baldy, fluid, renai, jujina, fruity, zero, shining, slow, eleven, arty, saty, dark, yoshi, potato, jia, author, rf, nami, anish, kaagura, steppy, dragon, sukuna, asta, theraa, viperain, nighty, ath, roxy, reader, dazai, aizen, khronos, fanatic, ryan, levi, golden, woof, ereh, nobita, blue-ish, felix, shadow, moonlight,anderork, animecookie, EE and spring and maybe many more who have gone and left that idr right now
You each have a story with me so You all are pretty fun people for sure
Long Live Atlantis 🤣

My Favourite Song


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